Thursday, May 14, 2020

Teens The Causes And Effects Of Teen Stress - 1309 Words

Every year, because of stress from exams, 40 students kill themselves (Singh). A 15 year-old student in India hung herself in her room, the day before an exam and left a note which tells how she ended her life because she was â€Å"... unable to secure first rank in examination†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Correspondent). This is one of the examples of how stress causes many health problems in teens from being overworked in school and too many responsibilities at home. Most teens today feel the pressure from juggling schoolwork, college applications, a job, and personal time. This matters because as a young teen many feel overwhelming pressure and develop health issues during this time. Teens stress level should be taken seriously because stress can reduce physical and†¦show more content†¦This proves stress can lead to skipping meals and overeating which is harmful to the body. Stress is leading to abnormal eating habits which can damage the body and that is bad for physical health. Str ess can also affect physical activity, which can be an important part of getting rid of stress. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress (Park) but twenty percent of teen worked out once a week or less than that when stressed (Castillo). One of the best ways to relieve stress would be to exercise but because of stress teens did little to no exercise. This is bad for physical health because stress is causing teens to avoid one of the most effective ways to alleviate stress, which can ultimately make stress worse. Stress can cause many physical health problems for teens which is why hey should be taken seriously when they say they are stressed because it can cause sleep deprivation, abnormal eating habits, and a lack of exercise which can be a crucial part of stress relief. Too much stress on a teen can also reduce mental health. Depression is a mental illness that can be caused by stress. 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