Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Arab Israeli Conflict And Arab Palestinian Conflict

The Arab–Israeli conflict is the political and military conflict between the nation of Israel and specific Arab countries. The Arab–Israeli conflict began in the late 19th century as a result of the rise of Zionism and Arab nationalism. The two sides have fought over land that both parties regard as their holy land. The Jews looked to reclaim the land promised to them by God after their escape from slavery in Egypt. The Arabs, who already resided on and owned the land, looked to maintain their ownership, which was a site of many historical events in the development of Islam. This struggle between the two religions led to a battle for attaining sovereignty in the Middle East. The tension between the two peoples eventually escalated into the Israeli–Palestinian conflict in 1947, which in turn evolved and developed into the broader Arab-Israeli conflict. To fully understand the viewpoints of both sides of this conflict and the history that comes with it, it is necessary to know the movements that are at the root of all the tensions. These movements are the Zionist movement, the Arab Nationalist movement and the Palestinian Nationalism movement. Zionism is the national movement of Jews that supports the creation of a Jewish homeland in the Land of Israel. The movement came to the forefront of global issue in the late 19th century. Zionism looks to support the upholding of the Jewish identity. The movement opposes the assimilation of Jews into other societies and pushes for JewsShow MoreRelatedThe Arab Israeli Palestinian Conflict2122 Words   |  9 PagesThe Middle East has long been home to very deep-rooted conflict. For too long, the citizens of the Middle East have lived in the central of death and fear. The animosity between few, takes the hope of hundreds. 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