Thursday, December 26, 2019

Cashiering System - 3317 Words

CSLRM COMPUTERIZED CASHIERING SYSTEM A Thesis Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the College of Computer Studies Colegio De San Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila, Inc. In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirement for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Proponents Berame, Joseca Leslie, Salindayao Siervo, Sheryll Cardenas, Ma. Cristina Dr. Rolando Lansigan Adviser CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Colegio de San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila is currently using a manual way of recording, computing and storing the accounts of the students. The basic information of the student which includes the name, address course and year is written in the green form as well as the subjects that the students is going to enroll and the total assessment for the†¦show more content†¦In spite of the development of CSLRM, the school is still using the manual way of computing student’s tuition, receiving of payments and recording the account of every student. This manual way, results to slow of processing for every transaction, difficulties in recording and retrieving student’s account. Paying tuition has been a burden to the students because they have to wait for a long period of time before they can pay their tuition and get their examination permit. The cashier needs to get first the index card of every student to get the balance that results to long hours of waiting. This scenari o sometimes causes the students not to take the examinations on time because their permit has not been signed by the admin yet. The cashier also encounters problems in summarizing the total collection and making reports for the admin. In this regard, the proponents intend to develop a computerized cashiering system for CSLRM to address the problems that the cashier is currently experiencing. Statement of the Problem The cashier of CSLRM is currently facing difficulties in handling student’s payments, recording and updating the accounts. Problems are also encountered in summarizing the total collections and making reports. Specifically this study will answer the following queries: 1. How to make recording, retrieving and updating student’s account easier? 2. How to compute student’s tuitionShow MoreRelatedManaging The Human, Financial And Physical Resources Of A Hotel1191 Words   |  5 PagesInformation Systems The organisation that I have chosen is Hotels. This is an organisation that I am very familiar with as I work part-time in a hotel. It is important to manage the human, financial and physical resources of a hotel. Thus, hotel management is concerned with activities that relate to employees (human resources), money (financial resources) and facilities (physical resources). 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Arab Israeli Conflict And Arab Palestinian Conflict

The Arab–Israeli conflict is the political and military conflict between the nation of Israel and specific Arab countries. The Arab–Israeli conflict began in the late 19th century as a result of the rise of Zionism and Arab nationalism. The two sides have fought over land that both parties regard as their holy land. The Jews looked to reclaim the land promised to them by God after their escape from slavery in Egypt. The Arabs, who already resided on and owned the land, looked to maintain their ownership, which was a site of many historical events in the development of Islam. This struggle between the two religions led to a battle for attaining sovereignty in the Middle East. The tension between the two peoples eventually escalated into the Israeli–Palestinian conflict in 1947, which in turn evolved and developed into the broader Arab-Israeli conflict. To fully understand the viewpoints of both sides of this conflict and the history that comes with it, it is necessary to know the movements that are at the root of all the tensions. These movements are the Zionist movement, the Arab Nationalist movement and the Palestinian Nationalism movement. Zionism is the national movement of Jews that supports the creation of a Jewish homeland in the Land of Israel. The movement came to the forefront of global issue in the late 19th century. Zionism looks to support the upholding of the Jewish identity. The movement opposes the assimilation of Jews into other societies and pushes for JewsShow MoreRelatedThe Arab Israeli Palestinian Conflict2122 Words   |  9 PagesThe Middle East has long been home to very deep-rooted conflict. For too long, the citizens of the Middle East have lived in the central of death and fear. The animosity between few, takes the hope of hundreds. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Essay on Infanticide Cross Cultural Analysis of the Causes of Infanticide Essay Example For Students

Essay on Infanticide: Cross Cultural Analysis of the Causes of Infanticide Essay Infanticide is not unique to humans. It is practiced by many mammals including some primates. The main difference between human and animal infanticide is that infanticide in humans is performed by the parent(s) of the child while in the case of animals it is usually a male suitor (Caldwell and Caldwell, 2005, p. 208). In pre-modern societies infanticide was done instead of abortions as it allowed for sexual selection, it was much more effective than pre-modern contraception, and it did not require any special skills or esoteric knowledge (Caldwell and Caldwell,2005, p. 205). Infanticide has a history as a method of population control. It is more frequent to throw away girl babies. This may be because of dowries or other cultural reasons. Infanticide seems to occur primarily when it aids one parent, both parents or additional children to survive better or if when the infant has little chance of survival. Infanticide is a way to alter the reproductive stream before the child has the status of a real person, which is culturally defined (source). The deaths of weak, illegitimate, excess, deformed and unwanted infants are not defined as murder when the infants have not yet been born into the social world. Infanticide occurs cross-culturally for a multitude of causes. The reasons for infanticide can be summed up into three categories: biological (including the health of the child and twin stigmas), economical (relation to other children, womens workload, and available resources) and cultural (preferred gender, illegitimate children). This essay will examine cross-culturally the biological, economic and cultural factors for infanticide. Biological reasons for infanticide are prevalent especially in countries that lack full medical or. . (1) pp. 57-59Low, Bobbi S. (2005). Womens lives there, here, then, now: a review of womens ecological and demographic constraints cross-culturally. Evolution and Human Behaviour 26 (2005) pp. 64-87. Malherbe, Vertrees C. (2007) Born Into Bastardy: The Out-of-Wedlock Child in Early Victorian Cape Town. Journal of Family History Vol. 31 pp.21-44Porter, Theresa and Gavin, Helen (2010) Infanticide and Neonaticide: A Review of 40 years of research literature on incidence and causes. Trauma Violence Abuse 2010 pp. 99-112.Rattigan, Cliona (2008) I thought from her appearance that she was in the family way: Detecting Infancide Cases In Ireland 1900-1921. Family Community History, Vol 11/2 Nov. 2008 pp. 134-151.Ren, Xinhua Steve (1995) Sex Difference in Infant and Child Mortality in Three Provinces In Chine. Social Science Med. Vol. 40. No. 9 pp. 1259-1269.