Saturday, November 23, 2019

We, the People and American Government Essay Example

We, the People and American Government Essay Example We, the People and American Government Essay We, the People and American Government Essay We the people are the government. A government is a protective body set up to protect the people from national and foreign threats. A government is like a scale, balancing the needs and the wants of the people. The government comes together to create laws that will benefit the people of their state or nation for the better. However, everyone has their own opinion on how to run the nation; the two most dominant political parties, Democratic and Republican Party, make this true. If there is a president, governor, mayor etc. who is in the opposite party from you, than you might disagree with how they run the government, which varies from person to person. The government should be involved with the everyday lives of the people mostly because the government is the people. I just don’t think it should be as involved in our lives than it is. For example, just because I own a laptop with a camera attached to it doesn’t mean it has to be tapped into to watch what Americans are doing. I understand the use of tracking cars by EZ pass to inform drivers of traffic. However taking away someone’s privacy isn’t the kind of involvement everyone wants. We take for granted some times what the government provides like safe water, meat that has passed inspection, or a simple sidewalk protecting us from oncoming traffic. The constitution sets up the government by making it by and for the people. The way the United States has an order of checks and balances makes the government so efficient because this makes sure that there is no one in power whose â€Å"head gets too big† for their position. The three branches of government allow multiple people to be in power at the same time making sure everyone does their job. This way it makes everyone voice heard in a way because each politician, president, judge has different views on how to run the nation. Citizenship describes a person with legal rights within a political order. Citizens have rights and

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